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Wednesday, April 2, 2014

The Challenges of Retirement

The Challenges of Retirement[1]

We are told that it’s only those who haven’t retired yet who think of retirement being easy. There are challenges, which I can confirm, that must be confronted if we are to be happy.  And, each of us have particular patterns of behavior that must be examined.

Finances are seemingly the most difficult part of the process.     ”Even now,  you’re sticking to a sharp retirement budget and salting away more funds for the future.”  But it’s not just about the money.
We are responsible for our own happiness which in part means that we believe that we should be able to stay in touch with our friends and “..establishing new fruitful relationships.”   This is something that I have not been so successful although for years I have been on the board at the local senior’s center and I stay in touch with my two sons who live in Vancouver.  On Saturdays that are not pouring with rain or snow I meet with them downtown and we go with our walk together and have lunch together. Most of the people in my immediate neighborhood are familiar with me and each spring I canvas for the Canadian Cancer Society and we say hi!. The rest of my family, of course beside my wife, live far away in the United States.  My only contact with them is on the Internet (wow I love the Internet.

I also, including my wife, have, developed hobbies in painting and poetry.  For more info about that go to my blog Artwithwrinkles.

[1] Carlson, Richard PhD (2003).  The Don’t Sweat Guide to Retirement: Enjoying your new lifestyle to the Fullest ISBN 0-7868-9055-x  p. 207 Chapter 100

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