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Sunday, March 2, 2014

Combating Ageism

Combating Ageism[1]

The following questions are good tools to examining your attitude toward Aging and Ageism.  For more information, go to that journal.  Cited below


·   What would you do life different if you had life to live over again?
·   What period of your life do you think about most frequently?
·   How do you feel about that period of your life?
·   How do you feel about your parents?
·   How do you feel about your childhood?
·   How do you feel about your adolescence?
·   How do you feel about your young adulthood?
·   How do you feel about your married life?
·   How do you feel about your work experience
·   How do you feel about the way you raised your children?
·   What do you regret most about your life/
·   What has been the most satisfying thing about your life?
·   What is your philosophy of life?
·   What is your advice to me?

“This practical fight against ageism was conducted over a period of ten years, yielding harvest of stories of changing perspectives of old and young age


[1]  Mignon Eizenberg, (2000) 23 Life Review and Life Preview.  In the international for Logo Therapy, pages 2629

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