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Tuesday, March 11, 2014

More About Ageism: Gender and Ageism

                    More About Ageism: Gender and Ageism[1]

First, here is an excellent definition of ageism.  “Attitudes, beliefs, and conceptions of the nature and characteristics that are prejudicial, distorting their actual characteristics, abilities etc.” Next is a report on age discrimination and gender.  I think this is important because it help’s us recognize ageist behaviour.  It is interesting that on only one item below, rental housing, are the men, on the average, treated worse than the women. 
                                                     Percentage reporting at least once

      _______________________________________Males %  Females %
1.  I was ignored and not taken seriously because of my age.          23.5               31.2
2.  I was given a birthday card that makes fun at old people.             18.1               81.9 
3.  My house was vandalized because of my age.                               17.6              76.5
4.  I was called an insulting name because of my age.                         43.7              55.3
5.  I was patronized and “talked down to” because of my age.             25.6              37.4 
6.  I was refused rental housing because of my age.                              80.0              20.0
7.  I was rejected as unattractive because of my age.                            33.3              64.7
8.  A waiter or waitress or waitress ignored me because of age.          33.5             66.6
9.  I was denied employment because of my age                                    28.3             70.7
 10.  I was denied a promotion because of my age                                    24.5             73.5
 11.  I was victimized by a criminal because of my age                             19.0              76.2  

Inte Intrestingly, the article listed below also explores ageism among people with different levels of 
edu education and ethnicity.

[1]  This material was gathered from Social Gerontology: A Multidisciplinary Perspective organized by Nancy Hooyman and Asuman Kayax    ISBN 0-205-33625-6

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