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Monday, October 15, 2012

Who Want's to Live Forever?

Centenarians[i] On My Birthday

         Today is my birthday. I’m now 73; so I have twenty-seven years left to get ready for my hundredth birthday. The authors’ (sited below) objective is to get us to increase our curiosity about being 100 years old or older.   The background for their project is that are a growing number of negative aging stereotypes (ageism).  So, they developed a book of individual stories about centenarians to stimulate our curiosity in the battle against ageism.
         To accomplish their goal, they interviewed 24 persons who are 100 years or more. “Each Person was asked to retell, using their own words, something about themselves and the social context that shaped their lives.”
To encourage a story telling approach, they were asked to discuss the following questions:
·   What is it like to have lived one hundred years?
·   What, in your opinion has contributed to longevity
·   What matters today?

What did they find?
         People wanted to talk about their early years and they gave the following advice items to those of us who desire a long life. They  were:
·   Lead a simple life
·   Eat well
·   Work hard
·   Stay interested in events and surroundings
·   Help others
·   Be moderate in all things
·   Maintain a sense of humor
·   Keep Active
         Whoops, I must end here as it is time for my morning jog in the neighborhood

[i] Koch, T., Power, C., & Kralik, D. (2007).  Researching with Centenarians, International             Journal of Older People Nursing 2, 52-61

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