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Tuesday, September 11, 2012

Retirement Stress

A Retirement Stress Test[i]

It is important that we deal effectively with Stress. I know from my research that it can be a major factor in memory degradation. The author tells us that our doctors are very concerned with our stress experiences including how our hearts and lungs react.
         With retirement we are likely to face stress factors even though we may not pay particular attention to them.  After we have been retired for a while the author tells us to ask ourselves the following questions:
·   Do I look forward to each day?
·   Am I accomplishing the retirement goals that I established for myself?
·   Do I take initiative in planning activities with friends?
·   Am I broadening my understanding, capabilities and experience?

         If we answer yes to all of them we pass and are very likely feeling good about our retirement.  If there are one of more no’s we need to do something about it.
         Some stressful things are easier to fix than others. For example if our goals aren’t working, maybe we need to look into some new ones.  “When you achieve your goals, you’ll broaden your understanding, capabilities, and experience.”
         The book tells us not to take to long to administer your exam. The sooner we deal with the stress the happier we will be in retirement. Check it out.  If you would like, let me know about your experience.

[i]  Chapter 39 Give yourself a Retirement Stress Test  Don't Sweat

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