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Monday, October 18, 2010

Driving Decisions

     I recently posted a blog comment regarding my attitude and toward continued driving. Recently I came across and article in the Canadian Journal of Aging, which looks at the topic more deeply. It was created by  L. Ridman at the University of Western Ontario plus three co-authors.
     The model they created seems like a useful tool for further discussion about slowly driving, as we get older.  First there are a number of factors contributing to our level of driving comfort. They include:
·      Family or doctor’s feedback (medical conditions)
·      Self perceived changes in abilities
·      Symbolic and practical importance of driving
·      Environmental hazards
·      Our beliefs about aging and
·      Alternative methods of transportation

These factors contribute to our:
·      Self-monitoring and
·      Self-regulation while driving.

Which in turn influences our of levels of comfort leading to at some point to personally unacceptable levels of comfort and the decision to stop driving.
On a more scary level the authors report, “…many drivers felt that only an accident or a near accident would stop driving…”

What do you think about your driving alternatives?


  1. If I worked downtown Toronto I would have great diving alternatives but, unfortunately, while I live in mi-town, I work north of the city and must use my car. In other words, my alternatives to driving are virtually non-extistant (thank you, far-sighted politicians). Other than that, almost everything else (except my job) is within a 10 minute walk of my house, so on that level, my alternatives to driving are excellent.
    I have aso found that, as the testosterone wanes, my good (driving) sense waxes so I feel as though I am a better driver as I age.

  2. I agree with your thoughts, My biggest driving hazard is Stress. I have had a couple of minor accidents in the last couple of years. One of the values of meditation is keeping me in the here and now while I am driving.
