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Monday, February 24, 2014

Looking Forward Each Day to Retirement Activities

1.   Did I look forward each day to retirement activities?
  Not really.  When I was first considering retirement, Mandatory Retirement was still in place and I became part of a struggle against it.   Most of my adult life I have been a university professor and I had a great deal of freedom in what I did and how I did it.  For the last several years I have been exploring creativity in both painting and poetry and, of course, I am continuing to do research,    

2.   Have I  been able to accomplish the retirement goals I  established for myself?
Going to my blogspot Art with Wrinkles will show you much of my creativity, which I have always valued.

3.   Have I been able to take initiative in planning activity with my              friends?
 This is a question that is more concerning.  Most of my contacts with friends, and family, are on the internet.  That has become more frequent because I have a lot more time on my hands and spend more time at home.
4.   Have I broadened my understanding capabilities and experience?
 My teaching and research always were in the area of psychology. I think that one of the most important things I have developed much further is the importance of staying in the “here and now.”  Life travels on; one day at a time.

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