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Thursday, June 21, 2012

Memory Problems What can we do?
         Over the last 6 months or so I have become aware of some of my memory problems. Two major ways to think about is are recognition and recall.  Recognition is no problem for me; but recall is becoming more problematic.  I am currently consulting a neurologist in a local community.  As always I find myself searching through the literature. I  decided to share the ideas with visitors to my blog. The worst and scariest memory problems is  Alzheimer’s Disease
         Common Symptoms of Alzheimer’s Disease Each person with Alzheimer’s may experience different symptoms, and symptoms may change over the course of the disease. Some of the common ones are described below.

• Profound difficulty in recalling names, objects, places, times, and          dates
• Not recognizing family and friends, or not recalling their names
• Forgetting one’s own phone number or address
• Difficulty finding your way to or from a familiar place
• Tendency to wander from home or place where you work
• Forgetting to eat or maintain one’s hygiene
• Day/night disorientation with difficulty sleeping
• Noticeable language and intellectual decline
• Poor judgment, inability to follow simple instructions or stay focused          on a task
Progressive sense of distrust
• Dulled emotions or interest in activities

• Depression

• Unusual agitation and irritability

• Hallucinations or delusions

Ways to Keep Your Memory Sharp

What may seem like a faltering memory may in fact be a decline in the rate at which we learn and store new information. Practice these memory skills to enhance learning and make remembering easier.

RELAX: Tension and stress are associated with memory lapses, and managing stress improves memory.

CONCENTRATE: Your teachers were right: if you want to recall something later, pay attention.

FOCUS: Try to reduce distractions and minimize interferences.

SLOW DOWN: If you’re rushing, you may not be focused or paying full attention.

ORGANIZE: Keep important items in a designated place that is visible and easily accessed.

WRITE IT DOWN: Carry a notepad and calendar, and write down important things.

REPEAT IT: Repetition improves recall; use it when meeting new people and learning new things.

VISUALIZE IT: Associating a visual image with something you want to remember can improve recall.
Source: The Dana Alliance for Brain Initiatives (Press Office)

STAY ACTIVE:  Everything from regular walking to using a stationary bike

Source: Alzheimer’s Association

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